This week, I experienced two things that many online tend to celebrate. The first is that I crossed the 1,000 follower mark on Twitter and the second is that I achieved the goal of my personal communications plan. If you have been reading my blog for long, you may have a guess as to which one I celebrated more. Continue reading
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Yesterday, Mashable wrote on two studies predicting political inclinations by technology use. The first was on a study showing that smartphone users were significantly more likely to support Obama than Romney. The later post had a graph showing how web users favorite pages could predict their presidential choice. I highly encourage you to take a look at that graph, but my most surprising take-away was that Pinterest users were on the Romney side of the graph. Continue reading
If you’ve watched Mad Men at all, you’ve heard variations of this line thrown around at least a few times. Likewise, if you’ve been in nonprofits for very long, you’ve heard our sector’s variation, “Everyone’s a fundraiser”. These phrases are used so often, that it seems like there is an assumption that everyone knows what they mean, but in both cases, it’s clear that everyone could use a bit of explanation. Continue reading