Elaina Buzzell

Tag: Communications

Assess Your Twitter activities with SocialBro

SocialBro - a new Twitter analysis toolWhen I started working in nonprofit communications, I quickly became a complete nerd for the statistics and data related to my social media and web activities. As my time (and that of other nonprofit staff) is always scarce and precious, I always wanted to be sure that my website updates, status changes, and tweets weren’t just floating away in the wind – I wanted to be sure that my activities were having a direct impact for our organization. Read the rest of this entry »

Survey Tools for Nonprofits

Any good nonprofit is regularly checking in with their constituents – asking donors about the last fundraising events, checking in with clients about a new service – and survey tools are life savers for collecting this information. Many nonprofits also use survey tools as regular web forms, collecting things like volunteer profile information. With all of the survey tools on the market today, which is the best for your nonprofit? Read the rest of this entry »

Magical Giving Fairies

On October 14th, I had the privilege of attending the Social Media for Nonprofits conference held in Redmond, Washington. I had a wonderful time connecting with my colleagues in the nonprofit sector and communications fields, and learned some great tips for building strategies for successful nonprofit social media campaigns. Read the rest of this entry »