Elaina Buzzell

Tag: Communications

Email Marketing Tools for Nonprofits

Despite many tools to help nonprofits use email more effectively, many are still sending out their mass emails by putting all of their recipients in the bcc line in Outlook. It’s a very common practice, but it can have some severe consequences for your organization. Many nonprofits use this tactic thinking that it’s the only low-cost way to send out mass emails, but, fortunately, there are tools out there that make it very easy and affordable to send out mass emails in a professional manner. Read the rest of this entry »

Hanging with my mom in G+

Hanging Out with my Mom

Hanging Out with my Mom (and pets)

From my first days in Google+, I saw a lot to like. I felt that the system was very intuitive, and loved the style of communication on this network. True, it’s likely due to the mix of people in my circles so far, but the additional length allowed in comments seems to be encouraging more thoughtful conversations than I’ve seen on the other social networks.

Where I saw the most potential though was in the circles, and how it feels like I may be able to create a setup that balances my desire to keep in touch with family and friends while maintaining a clean environment for professional networking. To test out this setup though, I had to do what so many commentators consider the unthinkable – I sent my mom a Google+ invite. Read the rest of this entry »

Beware of URL Shorteners in Email

Did you know that using tools like bit.ly inside of an email can get your message flagged as spam? In a recent blog post for NPower, I addressed the reasons for this problem, and shared a good way to work around this issue. Read the full post on NPower Northwest’s blog: Beware of URL Shorteners in Email.