Elaina Buzzell

Tag: social media

Favorite Finds Friday

Do you feel like finding good content on the web is like searching for that proverbial needle in a haystack?

While I don’t claim to be able to solve that problem entirely, I am starting this theme to share my favorite finds of the week. I’ll share new people or organizations that I encounter on Twitter, great blog posts, and blogs worth following in their entirety. Check back here on Fridays to get the news, or you can subscribe to my posts via RSS or email to have these delivered right to you.

Favorite Blog Posts:

Nonprofits often say that they can’t possibly come up with enough content to justify a blog or to Tweet more often. This week I found a posts with ideas on how to come up with ideas and re-purpose content to make it feel new again:

Favorite Blogs:

  • Simply Zesty: I came across this blog today as I found a guest post there from a Twitter friend. Their blog has a good mix of social media news, tips, and statistics.
  • Social Media Clubhouse: I’ve been following this one for a while, and they never cease to send out great content. This is the blog of the international organization, Social Media Club, and they have posts from community managers and experts from around the world with great advice for improving your communications program.

Favorite new Twitter Accounts:

I have loved getting to know @riaglo this week through her tweets. This week, she was sharing lessons learned on the anniversary of her #gettngslizzerd incident at the Red Cross.

On a lighter note, I’ve enjoyed reading the tweets from @BeerBrewin this week – info on the history of craft beer, new beers, developments in the industry, and brew pub culture.


Do you have new favorites this week that you’d like to share? Chime in with your comment below.



Jumping into Pinterest

Pinterest BoardWhile Pinterest has been around for a couple of years, I first heard of it while talking to an old friend over the holidays. She was very excited about the craft ideas she was finding on the site, and sent me an invite to check it out. Then a couple of weeks ago, as Pinterest started getting some major buzz, I went back to that invite and started checking it out. Read the rest of this entry »

On Being an Online Grown-up

Don't Feed The TrollsWhile I’ve come across trolls* before while moving about online, last week was the first time one sought me out. An angry Twitter user took issue with one of my tweets, and a quick look at their recent activity showed that this person wasn’t interested in a reasonable debate, but in name calling and petty fights. Trolls like this have proven inevitable on the internet, and they tend to come out of the woodwork more and more as your online presence rises in prominence. Read the rest of this entry »