Elaina Buzzell

Tag: strategy

You Must Be This Tall to Ride This Ride

Flickr image by user emilydickinsonridesabmx

I am sure that many of us have sad childhood memories of feeling left out because we weren’t yet big enough to ride the cooler rides at the fair or amusement park. The cartoon character on the height measurement sign was almost mocking us as we were turned away from the fun. Read the rest of this entry »

Communications Strategy as a Road Map

Photo by Gordon Hatton

Imagine that you’re about to take a cross-country road trip with your friends or family. You took the time off of work, you packed the car and are sitting in the passenger seat, excited to begin the adventure. As your friend pulls out of the driveway, you ask what route they’re taking. They respond, “Oh, I didn’t look up a route. The interstate system is simple enough, we’ll figure it out along the way.”

My guess is that you would be pretty concerned at that statement, to put it gently, if you stayed in the car at all. Maybe the driver thought it was more fun to go without planning the route, or maybe they were so excited to get on the road that they didn’t want to waste time finding the way. However, we can probably all guess that, if they went ahead without a route planned, they likely got lost many times, their trip took much longer than it needed to, and they spent more on fuel and hotel stays than if they planned out a direct route. Read the rest of this entry »

Pinterest and Working With New Networks

I’m definitely not the only person who’s noticed that I’m not getting as many re-pins on Pinterest or as much traffic back to my site these days. A new report shows that the big burst of the last few months seems to be ebbing and site traffic on Pinterest has dropped significantly. That report definitely takes the tone that Pinterest is dying, and all of the press surrounding the new network was nothing more than hype, but I take a different tone.

Every social media network’s traffic fluxuates, and while some never rise back up, others definitely do. I also recognize that jumping into a new network involves a lot of risk, and that reports like this will discourage many people from trying any new network or site that comes along. This is especially true for nonprofits which have limited staff and financial resources to market their programs and missions.

My experience is that, even if a social network fails eventually, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have valuable experiences and achieve communications successes there. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best social networks for your nonprofit: Read the rest of this entry »