Elaina Buzzell

Tag: technology

Passwords and Security

In light of the recent attacks at Gawker and Sony that exposed the login information for millions of users, the importance of implementing secure password routines is now back in the top of mind for security experts. While many of these experts will recommend very strict policies and randomly generated passwords, these may not always be practical for every staff member at your organization. In my blog post this week for NPower Northwest, I give practical advice for nonprofits on how to choose strong passwords that their staff can use to protect their data. I also give a sample password policy that any nonprofit can put into place, and provide advice on how to enforce any policy they implement. Read the full story here: Passwords and Security.

Which version of Windows should my nonprofit use?

Since Windows 7 was released almost two years ago, it has proven itself to be a stable operating system with lots of new and improved features over XP. At NPower, we still receive many questions from our clients about which operating system is right for them and how they should go about upgrading. In my new post for NPower’s blog, I outline areas to investigate prior to upgrading and guide nonprofits to choose the right version of Windows 7 for them. Read the full post and join the conversation here: Which version of Windows should my nonprofit use?

What happens when the cloud goes down?

Today’s outage at Amazon was a good reminder that, while the cloud holds great promise for nonprofits, the decision to move technology off-site shouldn’t be taken lightly. I wrote up a blog post this morning for NPower with advice for nonprofits who are considering bringing services up to the cloud. The article continues with tips on how to prepare for the inevitable network and service outages to ensure that your nonprofit can continue running smoothly. Read the full post here: What happens when the cloud goes down?