When I started working in nonprofit communications, I quickly became a complete nerd for the statistics and data related to my social media and web activities. As my time (and that of other nonprofit staff) is always scarce and precious, I always wanted to be sure that my website updates, status changes, and tweets weren’t just floating away in the wind – I wanted to be sure that my activities were having a direct impact for our organization. Continue reading
Tag: tools (Page 2 of 3)
Any good nonprofit is regularly checking in with their constituents – asking donors about the last fundraising events, checking in with clients about a new service – and survey tools are life savers for collecting this information. Many nonprofits also use survey tools as regular web forms, collecting things like volunteer profile information. With all of the survey tools on the market today, which is the best for your nonprofit? Continue reading
This morning, I got the pleasant surprise of being invited to the beta of the new, Real-Time Analytics. For those of you who haven’t used Google Analytics, it’s a free program that many website administrators use to learn information about the visitors to their website. We’ve moved far beyond the old days of the counter at the bottom of the home page sharing with the world how many visitors they have had. Now, with tools like Google Analytics, you can see not only how many people have visited, but where they live, what browsers and operating systems they use, and how they found your site. These metrics are vital to learn how to optimize your website for your viewers, where to target ads and promotions, and which campaigns are the most effective. Continue reading